Friday, April 19, 2024 at 8:00 AM until Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 3:00 PMCentral Daylight Time UTC -05:00
University Of Dallas1845 E Northgate DrIrving, TX 75062United States
The Meet Us at the Tower program, which derives its name from a phrase commonly used by UD students when meeting up with friends, provides admitted high school seniors and their families a final opportunity to experience life at UD prior to the May 1st National Candidate Reply Deadline. During this event, you will hear about UD traditions, experience campus and spiritual life and meet with other high school seniors who are facing the same decisions about college as you are. We'll also help you sort through all the things that are on your mind: financial aid questions, the experience of a student and the value of a UD education. Parents are welcome to attend all events with the exception of the student panel. What goes on during the Meet Us at the Tower Program? The following is a brief list of opportunities available for students and guests during Meet Us at the Tower:
-Sit in on classes
-Meet and interact with UD's esteemed professors
-Learn about the various academic departments, sports and clubs
-Try our Italian-style Cappuccino Bar
-Learn about UD's Rome Program
-Hear about UD life from current students
Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.